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March 15, 2019

 On Friday the 15th of March, three classes of 59 scholars of about 15-16 years of age, accompanied by three teachers from IIS Carlo Piaggia,Viareggio, came on a didactic visit to this correctional facility as part of an educational program on lawfulness and this visit served as an ideal conclusion.

Chief inspector Iantosca took them round to places where inmates carry out their daily activities: The kitchen, the tailoring workshop, the gymn, the chapel, the music hall and the classrooms where the internal and external students gather for lessons everyday. Prof. Togoli held a lecture on “Corrispondenza negata”(denied correspondence),concerning internees of Volterra's shut down mental hospital, who wrote letters to their loved ones but never received replies because their letters were never posted. Last year, some 3rd and 4th year students of the institute of hotel management coordinated by prof. Togoli, performed a recital with letters taken from the book, “Corrispondenza negata”(denied correspondence).